

Health Counseling is a unique, exciting innovation in health and nutrition. As a Health Counselor, I have studied all the major dietary theories and will help you discover what approach works best for you at this point in your life.

Rather than dwelling on calories, carbs, restrictions and lists of good and bad foods, I work with my clients to create a happy, healthy life in a way that is flexible and fun.

No one diet works for everyone. I will guide you to find the food and lifestyle choices that best support you. I will also help you to make gradual, lifelong changes that enable you to reach your current and future health goals.

Getting Started

When was the last time you talked with someone about your health and received the personal attention you deserve?

It’s rare for anyone to get an hour to work on their nutrition and goals with a trained professional. As a health counselor, I am here to create a supportive environment while we explore what really works for you.

Could one conversation change your life?

Find out by scheduling a free initial consultation with me.

We will discuss your unique situation in depth and determine how I can help you reach your personal goals.